Case study
Angel investors
Portfolio management
Investor services

How Via monitored closely for the first time an IRR on his 15-year VC investment with Datasset
Jean-David Benichou
The client


Jean David Benichou has been a Business Angel for more than 15 years, after a successful entrepreneur career. 

He decided to share his passion for the entrepreneurial journey and founded Via, which operates in electronic communications, in the Customer Interactions Management space. Via has 4 subsidiaries and invests in numerous startups.

His early-stage investments have not only fueled his curiosity but also continuously pushed the boundaries of his technological knowledge. His favorite topics include artificial intelligence, decentralized finance, and synthetic biology.

The challenge

Going beyond Excel’s limitations to gain precise insights

For the past 15 years, Jean David Benichou has managed his portfolio using Excel files which didn’t allow him to have a historical and in-depth view of his current and past investments. 

When Jean David Benichou met the Datasset team, he shared the frustrations and limitations he encountered.

  • Limited Insight: Excel offered a static view, making it challenging to grasp both overall perspectives and granular insights into investments.
  • Lack of Visibility: Jean David Benichou struggled with accessing timely information on upcoming events, rights, updates, and KPIs for each portfolio company.
  • Time-Consuming Processes: Managing his angel investments manually was time-intensive, leaving Jean David Benichou with limited resources for strategic decision-making and growth.


Jean-David Benichou

Before Datasset, I lacked dedicated time, resources, and a suitable tool for managing my portfolio. Now, I can visualize my investments at a glance, as well as deep dive into each opportunity.

The benefits

Datasset: the Go-To tool for Business Angels

For Via, Datasset designed a custom service offer based on the Datasset platform, focusing on improving portfolio management processes and tools. The Datasset team took charge of integrating historical data and documents within the platform and created a customized solution for providing a comprehensive visualization of his entire financial portfolio, covering various asset classes.

“Datasset provides a comprehensive overview to visualize my investments at a glance, as well as detailed insights and the capacity to dive deep into each opportunity”

Datasset has become an essential asset, delivering substantial value to Jean David Benichou through:

  • 360° Holistic View over time: Datasset goes beyond mere visualization and provides access to key information for in-depth analysis: ROI breakdown over time, average ticket size, co-investors names, investment and exit phases, etc. These insights enable Jean David Benichou to trace the thread of his investments over time and gain a clearer understanding of his portfolio and the remaining milestones associated with each venture. Jean David Benichou eventually got a scorecard of his performance (IRR, multiple…) on his 15-year track record. 
  • A clear dashboard that can be shared with relatives: Datasset has created a customized solution for providing a comprehensive visualization of his entire financial portfolio, covering various asset classes. It provides transparency to his loved ones about his activities.
  • Significant Time Savings: Portfolio management can be time-consuming, and as an Entrepreneur-Business Angel, time is a scarce resource. Datasset significantly streamlines processes, resulting in a highly cost-effective solution that eliminates the need for additional personnel recruitment.
  • Network Effect for additional investment opportunities: Datasset also provides an active community of Business Angels that fosters the sharing of co-investment opportunities among members. This network effect is the cherry on top, making Datasset an indispensable tool for managing activities.

Jean David Benichou took a technological leap in managing his angel investing activities with an all-in-one platform like Datasset. After 15 years as a Business Angel, he gained true control over his portfolio and uncovered new insights.

Beyond the Datasset platform, the Datasset team provided personalized and top-notch support, playing a pivotal role in valuing portfolio companies.